Monday, November 11, 2013

JackRabbit 29 (pt.1)

(Hello friends, it has been a minute since my last blog, so this will be a couple parts, enjoy)

Well its been quite an exciting couple months.  It started with an audition, that well to be totally honest an audition I almost didn’t attend.  (WHAAAAT!?) Ok that sounds horrible, I’m an actor and getting any audition, period, is always awesome so let me clarify.

I was double booked.  The day of my audition, I was already booked for a gig (grateful) which was located and hour and half away.  I also had to be on that set 2 hours after my audition.   However, being that I truly appreciate every audition I receive I decided I must go.  You can't let ANY opportunities pass you by. 

(above original hand written sides
sides for audition)
The audition was for a feature film called Jackrabbit 29, coincidentally written and directed by Kyle Klubal who I had played a small role in one of his Grindhouse Trailers the year before.  However he did not remember me at first, but after a brief introduction Kyle looks at me and says “you look, familiar?” I started to reply “yes last year I was…” and Kyle yells out “NAILS IN THE CHEST GUY!”  Yes that was me.
CJ Brady Torture Victim Zombies in the Basement
(above Nails in the Chest Guy
"Zombies in the Basement")

So I sit down in front of the camera and about 5 other people and proceed.  After the audition, that in my opinion for a cold read wasn’t too bad, I jet off to my gig.  

(original call back email)
A few days later I get an email requesting a call back for the role, I respond “I will be there and thank you!”  The call back is more intimate, no camera, no reader, just me and Kyle.  He then proceeds to give me more of the back-story of my character, and the script, and that he is having a very, VERY hard time casting this role.   Oh great I think to myself, no pressure hah!  So a little more nervous, we start running the scenes, he re-directs, I change my choices and we re-read the scenes.  Kyle lets me know that I will have an answer by today or tomorrow at the latest one way or the other. 
As an actor at this point and time you are SUPPOSED to let it all go.  You can quite literally go insane pulling out your hair dwelling on getting cast. 

You don’t think about it, don’t dwell on getting the part, there are so many variables working, 99% of which you cant do anything about… too tall,  too short, wrong hair color, you look and remind them of someone they don’t like (yes this happens) etc etc… so you are supposed to walk away knowing you did all you can do and move on.  I of course did not, the fact that they were having such a difficult time casting the part, and I really enjoyed plotline that was explained to me only made me want the role that much more, which kept me constantly checking my phone for emails and missed calls of which I had none.  By the end of the night I was sure I did not get the part.  I went to bed and the next morning, Monday morning which is my favorite day of the week (truth) I got up to go to the gym as per usual.  Well, while I was showering I received a phone call.  When I saw the missed call and voicemail from Briana the producer of the film, I prepared myself for the rejection that comes all to much with being an actor.  After a minute, which felt like hours I check the voicemail and get the message “We would like to offer you the role of Cameron, please give me a call back.” 
(orginal email casted
for JackRabbit 29)

YAY, BOOKED IT!  My first feature film, JackRabbit 29.

P.S.  You will receive a copy of the script in a day or so and we start filming in a week.  Hah... Not a lot of time to prepare. 

Part 2 to come soon... pics from set :) 
(week 1 of 4 shooting schedule)